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Additional Setup


The "Countries/Regions" list is the list of countries that "CreditSolution2Dynamics" uses. It also provides a link between standardized country codes and the BC country list. This list is necessary because a country must be provided to CRIF in the form of a standardized country code when a request is made. The country identifiers in the BC standard are unsuitable for this purpose, since the BC country identifiers can be freely defined and thus no unique identification of the countries is possible outside the BC system. In the column "BC country code" an assignment of the BC country code to the standardized country codes can be made. This can be entered in the corresponding cell or selected from a list using the down arrow. This connection is not necessary and is only used to pre-fill the country field in the search query card. The other columns are used to describe the country by name, description and three standardized abbreviations .

Country list import

When opening the list for the first time, the country list must be loaded into the BC system via the "Download country list" ActionItem. Alternatively, the country list can also be imported, but for this the list must be available as a document.

Currency mapping

In the currency mapping list, the currencies supplied by CRIF are mapped to the currencies present in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central system.

Create currency mapping list

To create the list, the "Download List" ActionItem must be pressed. This will fill the list with all ISO currencies. After that you can assign the system currencies manually or partially automatically. This automatic assignment is done by the ActionItem "Currency Mapping". This ActionItem automatically assigns the currencies with the same currency codes to the ISO currencies. This assignment can be completed or changed manually.

Text templates

The text template list can be opened from the department or from the setup card. In the text templates list dynamic text templates for todo comments can be created. These templates consist of a keyword (template) and a text. These templates are used to create a comment from a keyword in a todo comment. In this way, a comment does not always have to be rewritten, but only a keyword has to be entered. For example, the entry "insolvent" could be assigned to the comment "The company has filed for insolvency".

Setting up text templates is not absolutely necessary and only serves to shorten the time needed to enter routine texts in Todo. The creation, deletion and editing of the templates can only be done by a user with CreditSolution Admin rights, a user with CreditSolution User rights can only view this list.

Periodic activities

Periodic activities is a BC report that automatically fetches new reports provided by CreditSolution. To avoid triggering the report manually, it is recommended to include the report in the task queue.

Include in the task queue

Queueing is done in the setup card via the "CreditSolution Job Queue" slider. As soon as the slider is activated, the "periodic activities" report is automatically executed in periodic intervals